Blog Archive

How to paint 3D resin miniprints online clinic
As part of the excellent NMRAx GatewayX convention on Thursday, July 16th, I presented an online clinic on the steps I use to realistically paint my miniprints 3d printed miniatures...
How to paint 3D resin miniprints online clinic
As part of the excellent NMRAx GatewayX convention on Thursday, July 16th, I presented an online clinic on the steps I use to realistically paint my miniprints 3d printed miniatures...
miniprints painting clinic at NMRA GatewayX
You are invited to attend a special free online event. NMRAx 'GatewayX' Virtual Model Railroad Convention Learn how to get the most out of your resin 3d miniprints during a special...
miniprints painting clinic at NMRA GatewayX
You are invited to attend a special free online event. NMRAx 'GatewayX' Virtual Model Railroad Convention Learn how to get the most out of your resin 3d miniprints during a special...

Beavers, Hounds, Bison and Skunks. Oh my!
Hope you are keeping safe in these difficult times. Unfortunately my small business has ground to a halt (like many) for the time being. I am trying to get the...
Beavers, Hounds, Bison and Skunks. Oh my!
Hope you are keeping safe in these difficult times. Unfortunately my small business has ground to a halt (like many) for the time being. I am trying to get the...

Covid-19 and the model railroading hobby
This is an unprecedented time in our human existence. Most of us have never experienced what we are about to endure. I know this sounds alarmist, and I will forgo...
Covid-19 and the model railroading hobby
This is an unprecedented time in our human existence. Most of us have never experienced what we are about to endure. I know this sounds alarmist, and I will forgo...

I'm a model manufacturer
Well, sort of. As I mentioned in my last post, I bought a resin printer. So it was time to put it to work. But what should I make? As...
I'm a model manufacturer
Well, sort of. As I mentioned in my last post, I bought a resin printer. So it was time to put it to work. But what should I make? As...

I'm a Martian
I joined a Facebook group called 3D Printing for Model Trains and started to see what inexpensive resin printers were capable of. Blew my mind.... Photo from a Facebook post...
I'm a Martian
I joined a Facebook group called 3D Printing for Model Trains and started to see what inexpensive resin printers were capable of. Blew my mind.... Photo from a Facebook post...