Blog Archive

2017 Project Planning

2017 Project Planning

Like most modelers I seem to have an endless list of unfinished projects. Many projects start, but very few seem to finish. So in the spirit of making January new year's...

2017 Project Planning

Like most modelers I seem to have an endless list of unfinished projects. Many projects start, but very few seem to finish. So in the spirit of making January new year's...

Mystical Landscapes (and trains)

Mystical Landscapes (and trains)

I went to see the Mystical Landscapes exhibition at the AGO last week and it got me thinking about light. Specifically how I was lighting the layout. What got me going...

Mystical Landscapes (and trains)

I went to see the Mystical Landscapes exhibition at the AGO last week and it got me thinking about light. Specifically how I was lighting the layout. What got me going...

The Golden Spike Ceremony

My goal for the layout this holiday break was to get the mainline loop completed so that I could run trains out of staging, do a complete loop around the layout and...

The Golden Spike Ceremony

My goal for the layout this holiday break was to get the mainline loop completed so that I could run trains out of staging, do a complete loop around the layout and...

2016 in Review

2016 in Review

In retrospect, I will remember 2016 as the year that I discovered operations. I knew early on that I wanted to build the layout so that it would be more than a railfanning concept and could eventually...

2016 in Review

In retrospect, I will remember 2016 as the year that I discovered operations. I knew early on that I wanted to build the layout so that it would be more than a railfanning concept and could eventually...

Have you ever smashed a model?

I mean really trashed it. And not to recreate a prototype photo or to model an effect. Have you ever been soooo FRUSTRATED that something wasn't working out the way...

Have you ever smashed a model?

I mean really trashed it. And not to recreate a prototype photo or to model an effect. Have you ever been soooo FRUSTRATED that something wasn't working out the way...

Operating the QGRY... and a revised track plan!

Operating the QGRY... and a revised track plan!

First, the revised track plan. Many thanks to Sheldon Frankel, the owner of the Q&NE, and a professional civil engineer who happens to have worked for the railways. No better...

Operating the QGRY... and a revised track plan!

First, the revised track plan. Many thanks to Sheldon Frankel, the owner of the Q&NE, and a professional civil engineer who happens to have worked for the railways. No better...