FU 2020. Good riddance. HAPPY NEW YEAR 2021.

Every year for the past 7 years, I’ve occasionally blogged on my model railroad hobby (addiction?). Part of that is sharing some thoughts and setting embarrassing unrealistic new years resolutions. Hey, it’s what I do at this time of the year….time to reflect on the past and plan for the future.

Most times when I look back on my thoughts from the previous year, I am a little dismayed at how little I’ve accomplished. Occasionally I will celebrate the completion of a goal. But WOW did 2020 ever throw me for a loop. I first talked about COVID on March 14th, with the post Covid-19 and the model railroading hobbyand predicted (unfortunately) a number of things that have ultimately come true. On the positive side, the model railroad hobby is flourishing and Joe Fugate of MRH has noted that the hobby is booming with MRH mag setting all time records with total unique audience web hits in the upper 90,000s per month.

Talk about your brand

Looking back at my post on January 6th, 2020 entitled, 20 Model Railroad Resolutions for 2020, I am reminded just how much the world has changed in the past year. My goals of doing more with friends, getting into operations (with friends), establishing a local group of rotating OPs sessions, as well as attending a Convention, all seem very unattainable right now. On the positive side, my goal to STOP going to Train Shows came true (ok, funny, not funny).

The BIG surprise for the year was that I became a model railroad manufacturer. Honestly didn’t see that one coming! Who could’ve predicted that my 3D printed https://miniprints.ca/ would become a thing. Last year, miniprints did over 500 orders to amazing modellers in over a dozen countries all over the world including Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, New Zealand, Norway, The Netherlands, United Kingdom and the United States. 

While I didn’t get downstairs to work on my railroad at all this year, my creative itch has been scratched when designing miniprints for others. THE MOST fulfilling part of modelling in 2020 has been seeing what all my customers have done with their miniprints. I love getting and posting pics on the miniprints facebook page (1544 followers and growing!!!!!!) of all of the fabulous modelling being done. Other firsts in 2020 included, writing my first published article and conducting my first ever online clinic. Also like every year, continued to meet some amazing new people and make some great new friends (albeit, virtually).

So in balance, 2020 was a year none of us will soon forget. There was the good, the bad, and the unexpected. Now there’s one question left… dare I even attempt to make any new year’s resolutions for 2021?

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3D resin miniprints online clinic

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