I’m a model manufacturer

Well, sort of. As I mentioned in my last post, I bought a resin printer. So it was time to put it to work. But what should I make?
As I lamented, 5 years ago, ‘Why doesn’t anyone make a HO scale beaver?’

I found moose, deer, bears, even wolves, but no beavers. The beaver is iconic. A Canadian symbol. The beaver (and it’s pelt) lured the explorers to this land. Hell, the beaver is so important it’s even on the shield of the Canadian Pacific Railway. So… I made one!
Damn (get it? beaver puns) these things are small.
I posted my creations to the Facebook group Canadian Railway Modellers and suddenly started getting requests, so NOW AVAILABLE to you (from me), HO scale beavers. I’m offering 8 beavers in 3 poses (see below):
3 x sitting
3 x standing up
2 x swimming
for $20 (postage included) to any Canadian address, and $25 US to any US address.
The full set of 8 in all its glory.
Three (out)standing beavers
Three sitting beavers (ready to gnaw wood).
..and…two swimmers.
They look great painted up and satisfaction is guaranteed!
So if you’re looking for a little Canadian beaver (groan), email me at bernard (at) trafficdesign.ca and I’d me happy to make you a set.
P.S. Due to a few requests, they are coming soon in O scale.