Scenery Saturday

September 5, 2015

Not sure if the layout qualifies for Scenery Saturday yet as I am barely at the ‘Plywood Pacific’ stage but it’s important to celebrate progress. Less than a year ago, the layout looked like this…

And now, after a door has been (re)moved and some demolition of some storage closets (which was wayyy too much fun) I have the layout footprint that I wanted!

Now that the backdrop is painted and the valence is up I feel like the layout is slowly becoming real. It is still VERY much a work in progress, as I find it’s easier to build than plan. This has the definite disadvantage of taking longer as not everything I build works out and I find that there are a lot of ‘doovers’, however I just prefer seeing it in 1:1 real size before I know if it’s going to work for me.


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