Prototype Monday 2

September 7, 2015


Prototype Monday is not just for motive power – it’s also about things and places from the prototype that inspire my layout. I have decided to feature the Port of Trois-Rivières as the main focus of my layout. Reason for this was three-fold (1) QGRY has the sole rights to service the Port (2) there are a lot of rail-served commodities and facilities to model and finally, (3) it sets the layout firmly in a time and place.


It’s really amazing the information that you can find online and research is yet another of the facets of the hobby that I find so enjoyable. The Port of Trois-Rivières has an excellent downloadable brochure online that will serve to inspire my modeling efforts.



  1. My fallen flag? - […] City along the north shore of the St. Lawrence River. QGRY also provides rail services to the the Port…

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